Friday, 21 May 2010

Been a long time gone!

I havent posted for simply ages and feel i really should get my A in gear and start again!

So much has happened since i last waffled on here.

Doodlebug started walking (at least i dont think she was doing it when i last blogged!) No running is more like it - just like her brother did. She did it just a week after her 1st bday and then the teeth started popping through - so we are on permanent teething now. 7 so far all since march! She has permanent rosy cheeks, dry skin and sore butt! Poor love and poor Fluffy as she keeps biting his head every time a new tooth arrives. In fact she beats him up no end! The other day i caught her with a heavy Dora doll just as she whacked him over the head! This was after the dalek attack whilst he was laying in the bath! Yes dear reader Doodlebug is a tad naughty and boisterous. She dresses like a lady in her bangles and pretty shoes but boy can she wallop like a boy!

Fluffy is learning about the Tudors now and recently visited Anne of Cleves house with the school. I gave him the motherly chat about don't waste your money on rubbish - buy something that will help you remember your trip. So i wondered what delight he would bring home - a pencil with Anne's head on it? A mini head chopper? a paper folding model that would never get made? But i was pleasantly surprised to see that he had listened to my advice and was very proud to show me the miniature metal Henry VIII keyring. he said - now i will remember my trip - GOOD BOY!

I have so much to say and i think i will have to leave out most of it or this will expand forever. So one final thing......I can't recall if i mentioned Doodle's hair always in her eyes and the fact that she always pulls out the slides or hair tie that i put in - well she has discovered head bands and skillfully puts it on her head every morning -in fact today she ate her porridge wearing her pink gingham headband and red and white polka dot 1950's sunshades - how chic ! Wish i had the camera! Instead i leave you witha pick of a top knot that stayed in all of 3 seconds! Cute while it lasted!

As ever my babies are my complete delight and as naughty and cheeky as they can be - i adore them! xx