Sunday, 14 February 2010

More tea vicar?

I decided at the beginning of the year that I would get all my scrap booking up to date, all photos printed, filed or scrapped and all half finished LO's completed. So far so good, I am keeping to my word. The dining room table is a hive of activity most evenings, in between cooking, cleaning, feeding children and all the other jobs a mother has to do - but i do manage to find the odd 10 minutes here and there to scrap my memories. I am being pretty good too at using up old stash. The trouble is I have just seen the most gorgeous collection by Cosmo Cricket and its so perfect for my current idea. We usually go to a coffee shop on weekends, - its our family treat - Decaff Latte for me and a yummy cake of course. I had this idea ages ago to do a page on these trips - you know pics of the cake, the coffee cup - all arty of course. WELL this weekend we popped to Reigate and went to this adorable tea shop. It was an ecclectic mix of mismatched china, spotty table cloths, cards for sale and hearts!! Now i LOVE hearts as you know and of course had to buy a few. Everywhere i looked in that little tea shop i was seeing perfect pictures to take - the table cloth, the welsh dressers, the china, the pink lemonade and the HUGE scone and clotted cream I "had" to eat. It was a scrappers heaven. My mind was working over time - but you know what....I left the damn camera at home!!! Now i am just gonna have to go again aren't i!!! And the Cosmo papers will be PERFECT!!! I think they are called Early Bird.
Hmm this blog has been all me me me tonight ...... Must just mention that we went to church this morning as we are having "Doodlebug" christened soon. During the service I suddenly spotted her legs just about to disappear under the pew in front - just managed to drag her back as those around me dissolved into chuckles!! Goodness only knows what the vicar would have thought about this little baby crawling up his cassocks! (i hope i used the right word there!) Oh well i guess she made an impression!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

My kids make me a proud mummy

This month both of my children have made me very proud. Fluffy has been put on the talented list for ICT (that's computers to us oldies) and will have the chance to do courses when they come up. They have been doing computer animations at school and he has been practising ever since on a very good online tool called PIVOT. Check it out its great for kids and adults alike. He has made a fire breathing Blizzard (Blizzi is our cat!) and Doodlebug eating stick men! Well anyway I am very proud of him for his achievements, not to mention improving in his times tables and spellings and becoming a free-reader - woohoo - well done Fluffy!! We treated him to a meal out at the local pizza joint - yum!
Doodlebug of course deserves some praise too this month as she has started to walk gingerly holding only the one hand now. She cruises around the furniture quite happily on her own or with both hands held but this new talent is taking a lot more concentration. Oh and she has learnt to kiss! She looks like a goldfish puckering up but a kiss is a kiss! At first it was only practised on the cats Blizzi, Lotti and KC but she is now progressing on to people - oooh i love it!
Doodlebug's naughtiness for this month - we found her standing on top of her nappy changing box and leaning on the windowsill - ok its only a foot off the ground but still precariously balanced. How i wish i'd had the camera! But i thought best not run and get it cos you just know she'll fall and how guilty would i feel - just to get a funny snap!!
Well that's about all i have to say this month, so until next blog - take care and love you kids all the way to the moon and back xxx